Seattle has been home for the past 2 1/2 years. Aca me han pasado cosas, cosas que voy a recordar con mucho cariño y otras que prefiero olvidar.
Seattle's skyline in one of the prettiest I have ever seen (and I have seen quite a few, ehem...) When it's sunny here, Mt. Rainier will leave you in awe.
The mountain views are breathtaking, the houses are all so pretty, summer here is incredible, the flowers, Lake Washington, Alki Beach, the market, Diablo Lake and the Cascade Mountains...
I know, I know...
Pero siento dentro mio que me va a hacer bien irme lejos de aca. No tengo nada en contra de la ciudad,es mas, estoy segura que la extrañare, simplemente que aca no he sido feliz.